Asteroid 2011 MD passiert die Erde in 12000 km Entfernung

  • A small recently discovered asteroid will zoom past the Earth on the evening of Monday 27 June 2011 Australian time. At its closest at about 11 pm AEST it will be 12 000 km above the Earth’s surface. There is no risk whatsoever to anyone on Earth. However, as the asteroid will pass within the ring of geosynchronous satellites, there is an extremely small risk of damage to one of those.


    Eindrucksvolle Animation [cave: groß!]

  • Asteroid 2011 MD, a chunk of rock estimated to be 25 to 55 feet (8 to 18 m) across, is expected to pass less than 8,000 miles above Earth's surface around 1 p.m. EDT (17:00 UT) on Monday, June 27th. The actual event will be observable only from South Africa and parts of Antarctica, but the approach will be visible across Australia, New Zealand, southern and eastern Asia, and the western Pacific.
